July 03, 2024 – The deep state exposed

The debate between former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden utterly has exposed the deep state. Everyone who watched the CNN-hosted debate – nearly 60 million Americans – was presented with the reality that Joe Biden is not cognitively capable of serving as President. The deep state is running the country, not Joe Biden.

It’s why Biden must carry notecards with answers to pre-screened questions that will be asked by pre-selected questioners. 

It’s why Mr. Biden must use a teleprompter in virtually every appearance, even among small groups. Even then he sometimes reads the stage directions such as “pause.”

It’s why Jill Biden cannot be far from his side, rushing to stand next to him after he finishes speaking so she can whisper in his ear what to do next, including how to exit the stage. (She did just that at the conclusion of the CNN debate.)

It’s why Biden surrogates – including the Easter Bunny – have to jump into a scene to save the president from losing track of what he’s supposed to be doing.

And it is a vivid example of why Special Counsel Robert Hur said he was reluctant to prosecute Biden for criminal conduct in the handling of classified documents because he is an old man with cognitive difficulties.

Biden’s debate debacle has set off sheer panic among Democrat politicians and activists, and their allies in the propaganda media. Many are calling for him to withdraw from the race so that a more cognitively-capable candidate can replace him.

But whether Biden stays in the race or exits, one thing is for sure: the deep state has no intention of leaving the stage. They are going to continue to run the country no matter what, and that includes, sadly, America’s system of justice.

I’ve written often about the lawfare abuse that I have been forced to endure. Have no doubt that the deep state is at the root of this abuse. Their work has cost me dearly, including – at least temporarily – rendering “inactive” my license to practice law in California. It has also cost me well over $1 million in legal fees with a minimum of $2 million more to come.

I need your immediate financial support of my Legal Defense Fund so that I can fight back against the deep state and the leftwing lawfare radicals who want to destroy me. Please be generous.

It was the deep state, working with the discredited January 6th committee under Nancy Pelosi’s control, that worked to induce me into a perjury trap, hoping to maneuver me into turning against President Trump. I won’t turn against the former president because he, like me, has done nothing wrong in challenging illegalities and irregularities in the 2020 elections.

It was the deep state that spent a full day meeting with then-Special Counsel Nathan Wade in Washington DC before Wade and his paramour, Fulton County DA Fani Willis, engineered my indictment in Georgia.

It was the deep state that spent a full day meeting with then-Special Counsel Nathan Wade in Washington DC before Wade and his paramour, Fulton County DA Fani Willis, engineered my indictment in Georgia.

And it is my strong belief that Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes enjoys the support of the deep state in her indictment of me in Arizona, even though I had nothing to do with challenging the 2020 election in that state.

The Trump/Biden debate has made it clear to the American public just how powerful the deep state has become. It didn’t begin with the Biden presidency, but it sure has consolidated its power since he took office.

One of the key issues that will emerge from the debate is how to dismantle the deep state and decouple its unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats from unchecked decision-making on behalf of the American people. Only the election of President Trump can set such a process in motion.

And while I hope that 2024 will see an election that begins to disarm and deconstruct the deep state for the country’s future, I am left dealing with the damage they have already inflicted on my reputation, and my finances.

I am not in a position to take on the lawfare radicals and their allies in the deep state by myself. I am being prevented from practicing law in California because a State Bar Court judge has recommended my disbarment, even as I appeal her outrageous ruling.  However, because of that fact, I cannot earn income as a lawyer and thus contribute to my own defense with funds I would otherwise be earning as a lawyer. That means I have to count on the generosity of good people like you to help cover the millions of dollars in legal costs I am facing to defend myself.

Your emergency donation to my legal defense fund is urgently needed if I am to have the resources needed to fight. Please consider a donation today of whatever you are able to do – $50$100$250$500$1,000 or even $1,500 or more.

Thank you for your friendship and prayers. My family and I will be extremely grateful for any additional help you can provide as we work to defeat the lawfare radicals and deep state actors who want to destroy me. 


John Eastman

Constitutional Scholar
Attorney for President Donald Trump

Posted in Updates.