August 5, 2024 – A life sentence

My name is John Eastman and I am a former Law School Dean, professor and constitutional scholar and litigator.

’ve argued or submitted legal briefs in more than 200 cases before the US Supreme Court on behalf of conservative causes. I got my start working on constitutional litigation decades ago as a clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

You may also have heard that I was the lawyer whom President Trump selected to represent him in lawfully and legitimately bringing forth challenges to the many illegalities and irregularities during the 2020 presidential election.

For that work, the radical left has launched a ruthless lawfare assault against me and my family.

They’ve taken my license to practice law in California. They’ve indicted me in two states. They’re implicating me in federal charges. They’re trying to bankrupt me. And they want to throw me into prison for decades.

What they seek is nothing short of a life sentence. 

Will you help me fight back against these leftwing radicals? CLICK HERE. I can’t defeat them alone. I urgently need the support of patriotic Americans like you. Please be generous.

In California, lawfare radicals filed a complaint with the California State Bar after I represented President Trump. State Bar prosecutors basically copied and pasted that complaint and brought a case seeking my disbarment. The judge refused to let my legal team put on an effective defense, upholding objection after objection by State Bar prosecutors, and issued a ruling recommending I be disbarred from the practice of law. I am appealing the outrageous ruling, but in the meantime I cannot practice law in California.

Not only does that mean I can no longer represent my clients seeking to stop powerful government actors and agencies from unlawfully targeting them, it means that I can no longer earn income as a lawyer which I could devote to funding my own defense.

In Georgia, disgraced prosecutor Fani Willis has charged me with multiple felonies, including engaging in a RICO conspiracy. I am categorically innocent of these charges, but Willis has pledged to put me in prison if she can.

A RICO conviction in Georgia carries a potential penalty of twenty years in prison. I’m currently 64 years old, meaning Willis could effectively send me to prison for the rest of my life.

And then there’s Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes. She’s also indicted me on state felony charges including conspiracy, fraud and forgery. This despite the fact that I had nothing – nothing – to do with challenging election results in Arizona. 

Nonetheless, if Fani Willis fails to put me in prison, Kris Mayes will have her shot. The Arizona charges could collectively result in more than a decade in prison.

The only way for me to avoid bankruptcy and prison is to defeat these radical Democrats in court. That is what I am determined to do

But winning will not be easy, and it certainly won’t be cheap.

I have already incurred well in excess of $1 million in legal defense costs and it will take at least $2 million more to defeat these radicals.

Your emergency donation to my legal defense fund is urgently needed if I am to have the resources needed to defeat them. Please consider a donation today of whatever you are able to do – $50$100$250$500$1,000 or even $1,500 or more.

Thank you for whatever you are able to do to help.

I have one last thing to ask: Please keep me and my family in your prayers. This is as much a spiritual battle as it is a lawfare assault.


John Eastman

Constitutional Scholar
Former Attorney for President Donald Trump

Posted in Updates.