July 24, 2024 – So much for democracy

I have been indicted in two states (Arizona and Georgia) and am dealing with a disbarment trial in a third (California) because the lawfare left says I am a threat to democracy.

When you boil things down to their essence, the core of the allegations against me is that my representation of former president Donald Trump in challenging illegalities in the 2020 presidential election was intended to undermine democracy and to stop the peaceful transition of power from Mr. Trump to Joe Biden.

This framing has always been an entirely false narrative, but its absurdity is now on full display for the world to see. The left cares not one whit about “democracy;” they care only about power.

Joe Biden has been a failing politician for some time. His physical and mental decline has been apparent for a good long while, but came into sharp focus with his disastrous performance in the June debate against President Trump. Soon, the drip drip drip of criticism mounted, with more Democrats every day calling for him to leave the presidential contest as poll after poll emerged showing him losing to Mr. Trump.

Democrat elites have gotten their wish. Biden has been forced to resign the nomination and Kamala Harris is on the verge of being coronated as his replacement without ever having won a single delegate in a primary election.

So much for democracy.

They want to put me in prison for far less than what they themselves have done to millions of Democrat voters whom they have disenfranchised, stripping them of their votes and the right to choose their presidential nominee for themselves.

I’m fighting these lawfare radicals with everything I have, but it is a tough fight. I’ve already spent well over $1 million in legal fees defending myself, and am facing at least an additional $2 million in expenses going forward.

I can’t carry this burden alone, so I am asking for your support of my legal defense fund. Please be generous.

Joe Biden won all 50 Democrat primary contests this year. Kamala Harris won none. Biden got 14.5 million Democrat votes for president. Kamala Harris got none.

She didn’t win a single state in 2020 either, nor did she receive a single vote. Her campaign collapsed before the first state voted. Harris got on the ticket purely because she checked race and gender identity boxes for Biden and the Democrats.

We’ll see if America lets the Democrat elites get away with “saving Democracy” by stealing it from their own voters. I pray they pay a stiff price for their lies and duplicity.

I also pray that people of goodwill will recognize what the left is doing to me and come to my defense. I’m facing decades in prison if I am convicted. I have already been handed an outrageously unfair verdict by a California State Bar judge who is recommending that I be disbarred from the practice of law. I’m appealing, but in the meantime I cannot practice law in California nor earn income as a lawyer. That means I won’t have that income to contribute to my own defense.

The lawfare left is trying to sideline and silence me, stripping me of the ability to contribute to my own defense while they move aggressively alongside highly-partisan Democrat prosecutors to destroy my reputation, bankrupt my family and steal my freedom.

Your emergency donation to my legal defense fund is urgently needed if I am to have the resources needed to fight. Please consider a donation today of whatever you are able to do – $50$100$250$500$1,000 or even $1,500 or more.

I’ve spent my entire career in law defending our Constitutional structure upon which democracy in our republic rests. I am not going to sit by in silence as leftwing radicals kick democracy to the curb in order to install a hand-picked Democrat presidential nominee. I intend to highlight their hypocrisy, and defeat their fake narrative that somehow it’s me who is the threat to democracy.

With your help, I will prevail. Thank you for whatever you are able to do at this time, and please keep me and my family in your prayers.


John Eastman

Constitutional Scholar
Attorney for President Donald Trump

Posted in Updates.