Oct 9,2023 – More Than enough

Since I began putting on my case in early September, we’ve heard lots of evidence of illegality and outright fraud in the conduct of the 2020 election – more than enough to support the statements I made at the time and for which the bar is accusing me of making false statements.

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Sept 28,2023 – Here is the evidence

California state bar prosecutors are hoping that their ongoing trial against me puts a nail in my coffin and thoroughly undermines my work on behalf of President Trump to challenge illegalities and fraud in the 2020 election.

You see, the crux of their case against me is the claim that there is no evidence of significant fraud and illegalities in the 2020 election, and I knew that to be the case in my representation of President Trump.

Obviously, I never wanted to be in the position to be fighting for my right to make a living as a lawyer and represent conservative principles and individuals in court. But standing for the truth has finally allowed us to get into court some of the evidence of fraud and illegality that occurred in 2020 — much to the chagrin of State Bar prosecutors and over their constant objections.

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Sept 25,2023 – Six long weeks

The outrageous prosecution of me by California state bar officials enters its sixth week with the trial resuming on Tuesday.  The term “prosecution” is really not apt. It’s more like persecution by activist lawyers determined to “get” President Trump and every lawyer like me who had the temerity to defend his right to lawfully challenge illegalities in the 2020 election.

This whole affair has been a prime example of the “lawfare” into which our system of justice has degenerated. 

The crux of the State Bar’s case against me is its claim that there was no evidence of significant fraud in the 2020 presidential elections and my legal filings on behalf of President Trump and my public statements to the contrary show that I am unfit to be a lawyer. 

But a funny thing happened once I got to start putting on my case – all of the election illegality and fraud that we all saw with our own eyes back in 2020 finally began to get its day in court, and the testimony of my witnesses has been eye-opening.

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Sept 9,2023 – Lawfare

The targeting of me by leftwing prosecutors and state bar officials is nothing short of lawfare. There are two important reasons these radicals are misusing their positions of power to go after me:

First, they hate President Trump and they want to destroy him and anyone who has the temerity to defend his right to lawfully challenge the many illegalities in the 2020 election.Continue reading

Sept 7, 2023 – “American Despotism”

As I’m preparing for yet another day of testimony in the California Bar trial — today will be the 7th day, approaching 20 hours — and watching closely the ongoing court proceedings in the Georgia criminal indictment against me, former President Trump, and a host of other lawyers and citizens who dared to challenge the illegality in the 2020 election, an important article from Newt Gingrich crossed my radar.

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Sep 05, 2023 – No, Jennifer Rubin, Dr John Eastman’s Defense is Not Doing Poorly

Former Republican Jennifer Rubin wrote an opinion piece for The Washington Post last week criticizing Trump attorney John Eastman’s defense in the California bar disbarment trial against him. Unlike her, I’ve watched every minute of the trial, which is going into the third week. The bar is desperately trying to show there was no legal authority for Eastman to advise Trump that Mike Pence could have rejected electoral slates from states suspected of election fraud, but as more evidence comes out, their case is getting weaker and weaker.

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Aug 29, 2023 – Ingraham Angle, and Mugshots

Well, the media is having a heyday with President Trump’s mugshot, but is anyone surprised that he turned it into a fundraiser? One clever soul even turned the collection of mugshots into a “Batman edition.” I made it into the collection as Mr. Freeze! Fun stuff aside, this indictment is deadly serious, and a real threat not just to our political system but, by naming the attorneys, to our adversarial system of justice as well.

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Aug 18, 2023 – Georgia

As you have undoubtedly seen, the Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney, Fani Willis, filed a 41 count indictment against President Trump and 18 others (including yours truly, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, etc.) late Monday evening, alleging that our efforts to highlight and have investigated election illegality and fraud were somehow part of a criminal conspiracy.

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